Artists use 'Momentum' to pair their music with…. Get this… People who like their type of music. We use targeted strategic Ads to get your music in front of people who are going to be receptive to it. There is no quick hacks, no buying followers. Just good ‘new fashioned’ digital marketing to bring in an audience that will engage with you and ultimately buy tickets to your gigs, buy your merchandise, and listen to your songs on Spotify.
There is nothing worse than seeing <1000 on your new track and let’s face it, if you’re here you are probably not signed. And assuming that is true, it means you don’t have buckets of money to spend. We create Ads and strategies that bring people to you PERIOD.
We use marketing techniques that global labels use, but without taking a 20% chunk of your business. (And let us be honest… you ARE a business)
Get real listens from people who like your music, and kick start Spotifys natural algorithms so you are being recommended to the right type of peoples.
Use Instagram adverts to bring in an army of fans who want to listen to your music, buy your merch, and come to your gigs.
Matt Pickersgill was part of Indie band 'The Tailormade'.
"We started our band in 2011 and I moved to London in 2013 with my band mates Jack and Aaron. We didn't get signed until 2015, so it essentially took us 4 years of learning (And spending) to figure out what were the right strategies to use. There are some very crafty people out there who will happily take an artists money and guarantee nothing in return and this was just accepted in the industry. This used to piss me off! We were convinced to spend around £4000.00 on the launch of a single (including music video, photo shoot and recording). We were sold the dream and ultimately over spent on something that was not necessary. This impacted the release of our next tracks and videos and had a knock on effect that slowed us down. Ultimately the main goal is to grow your following quickly, BUT effectively. You need to put yourself in front of people who like your style of music.
Our band broke up in 2018 and with a previous marketing and sales background, I worked my way up to digital marketing and operations within a London based tech company.
I have combined two industries and now am proud to offer artists and bands a way to get in front of the perfect audience in a very cost effective way. My team and I use record label marketing strategies to bring you in real followers and listeners.
Not only that, but we vet our clients. We won't work with you if we don't think we can help market your music."
The Mercians
Adam Thomas
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